

                Mini Monets          

WALT use various materials to create art, hold a paintbrush and mix colours. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can use the brush and sponge to show a variety of techniques, show perseverance and care when finishing work.

Term 3 Integrated learning

WALT know what changes can we make to make to make our new playground and learning spaces more learner friendly? What designs /plans do we need to make?

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can design an object for a new playground or a new learning space at our school.  

STUDENT VOICE " I made a giant snowball with a face that I could play with in a new playground".


Term 3


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WALT leave spaces between our words.
SUCCESS CRITERIA  We have a finger space after every word.
STUDENT VOICE " I have  finger spaces so that my writing is easy to read".

Strand Maths Term 2

WALT know about shapes.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can describe  a shape.

STUDENT VOICE " I know that a square has 4 sides". 

Te Reo Term 2

WALT use Maori greetings.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can use the greetings Tena Koe, Tena Korua and Tena Koutou.

STUDENT VOICE " I know about Tena koe". 

Maths Term 2

WALT count in twos to twenty.

SUCCESS CRITERIA " We can count like this  0,2,4,6.....

My Writing Term 2

WALT sit our letters in the line. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA  Our letters touch the line like they are walking on the line. 

STUDENT VOICE " I try to make my letters walk on the line like its grass". 

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Writing Term 1

WALT write an interesting sentence.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - Someone will enjoy reading our writing. 

I liked Harold because he is funny. 

STUDENT VOICE I have used the word because to make my story more interesting. 

Swimming Term 1

WALT float and swim. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can let my feet come up off the bottom of the pool. I can use my legs to kick and my arms to do freestyle.